July 3 Saturday

Very hot weather indeed.
Reading L.H.'s Ghost of Napoleon1 & Belisarius2.
Laura came from Watt's: he had thought he could 'place' most of our Seizin books.
Then Mother for 2 hours talking.
Then Harry & Alix. Decision to buy a car discussed.
Letter to Watt about contract

Editorial Notes

1 The Ghost of Napoleon by Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart. London: Faber & Faber Ltd., 1933. eds.
2 The Life of Belisarius by Earl Philip Henry Stanhope. London: J. Murray, 1829. eds.

Hands Referenced

Places Mentioned

  • London


People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Alix Kemp

    Kemp, Alix
    Married to poet Harry Kemp. The couple shared a house with Graves and Riding in Ewhurst, Surrey (1937). eds (RPG 277); also referred to as Frau Eierman by RG eds. see Diary August 30, 1936
  • A.G. (A.E.S.G)

    Graves, Amy
    Amy Graves, RG's Mother. WG
  • Liddell Hart

    Liddell Hart, Capt. Basil
    War-fare expert and friend of T.E. Lawrence. Collaborated with RG on a book of T.E.L'.s letters, published in 1938. See RPG p.231. WG & Eds.
  • Watt, A.S.
    Owner and director of A.S. Watt & Son, Ltd., RG's literary agent.
  • Harry Kemp

    Kemp, Harry
    Poet. Met Graves and Riding through James Reeves in August 1936, just after their arrival in England. In their previous correspondence, Riding had been intrigued by his falling-out with Communism. He became associated with their circle, collaborating on various projects. (RPG 248-49)

Organizations Mentioned

  • Seizin Press

    Founded when Robert Graves and Laura Riding began their partnership in London. R.G. and L.R. continued to operate their own press in Deyá, but stopped printing in 1935. Seizin Press published a number of literary works in conjunction with Constable in London, including the Epilogue series, and other works by Laura Riding and their literary associates. eds
  • A.S. Watt & Son, Ltd.

    Watt, A.S.
    RG's literary agent: first mentioned in November, 1935; team includes: Alexander Strahan Watt, and W.P. Watt et al, who may have handled different aspects of Graves' extensive European publishing and distribution. The firm replaced Eric Pinker. K.G. When did Pinker go, and why? KG