Ap. 30 Sat.

Mr Mills to whom I gave ×××× [indecipherable] a Congo[RG] mask to sell at same price as I gave for it, (not wanting to become a dealer)[RG] gave Laura a tortoiseshell & flamingo fan.
I bought some combs 6d1 & a silver ring 1/-2
In the street market bought two blancmange shapes (4d & 5d) a small picture A year after Marriage 1/-, a pinch-beck watch chain, and clasp 1/- (clasp for the chain of office.)
Laura re-arranged her jewels & beads
Alan & Beryl to tea
Smuggler: a hateful riding on dead horses
Worked over final draft of protocols with Laura till [until] 2

Editorial Notes

1sixpence eds.
21 shilling eds.