Aug 15 Saturday[RG] Monday[RG] Assumption

This is the day on which Hitler is supposed to be invading Czechoslovakia and there has been a rush of gold-hoarding.
Anyhow a bad day. Cold & cross.
Anita gave us some greengages for jam, so I had to make it as they were going bad; over a wood fire in my bedroom. Dorothy helping; but then more talk with Laura & Montague – he has almost decided to go out & seek his sexual fortune – so she stopped & the jam caught and I didn't put enough sugar & boiled up again with jello and not enough jars :about 17 lbs [pounds] of it[RG] – Then Alan got cross because Laura arranged two chairs as if in consultation with his own in the staircase room he is using as a study, with a bolster upright in his, and Montague hanging about like a skeleton at a feast. Laura doing Rimbaud – called me in.[RG] [RG] A widow from Boisgervilly called, for a job at the beginning of Sept. [September] Everyone crossly peeling mushrooms.[RG]
We sat around the fire in the dining-room talking painstakingly at night; my back aching with the low chairs. My dolly-washer1 arrived from England.

Editorial Notes

1? KG