Log Entries of Letters for March, 1939

March 1


Books to Karl to sell.


Bank (£5) N.N. £100 A.G., David G. (£1) Philip Pim,1 Roz, Bones, Karl,

6 7[RG].



Tambimuttu2: Am. [American] Express3.


CN./ N.N/ Sam/


Watt: Income tax.



Watt about Loan; £8 to Bank; Margaret, W.P. Watt about Germany.



U.S. [United States] Consul.


Julie: Watt about visa


Nancy £50. Bank £125.


Undersecretary (Home Office) for Joän


U.S. [United States] Consul Nantes.

Editorial Notes

1? eds.
2Meary James Thurairajah Tambimuttu (1915-1983), founder and editor of Poetry London magazine eds.
3travel agency eds.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Nantes

    Nantes, France
    city south of Rennes eds.

People Mentioned

  • Schuyler Jackson

    Jackson, Schuyler
    American poet who became Laura Riding's second husband. Graves and Riding stayed with Jackson, his wife Katharine ("Kit"), and his family on their farm in Pennsylvania in 1939. It was here that the partnership between R.G. and L.R. came to an end. eds
  • Joän

    Junyer, Joän
    Nephew of Sebastian Junyer. Also a good painter. W.G.; Deaf-mute Catalan painter, ex-pupil of Picasso's, who lived in his uncle's house in Lluch Alcari [Llucalcari]. K.G.; introduced Ward and Dorothy Hutchinson to RG & LR in 1935 eds.
  • Katharine Jackson

    Jackson, Katharine
    m. to Schuyler Jackson eds.
  • Karl/Carl

    Goldschmidt, Karl
    Karl Goldschmidt, later Kenneth Gay: Graphic artist, friend and secretary of Robert Graves and Laura Riding since 1934. R. G. spells both as Carl and Karl.
  • Montague Simmonds

    Simmons, Montague
    poet, and civil servant in the children's branch of the Home Office; m. to Dorothy Simmons, the sculptress RPG
  • Ward

    Hutchinson, Ward
    Photographer. Contibuted to"Epilogue." W.G. R.G. often refers to "the Hutchinsons" (Ward & Dorothy) as a couple especially when they were staying on the island. eds.
  • Nancy

    Nicholson, Nancy
    (1899-1977) First wife of Robert Graves; married 1918, separated 1927, divorced 1949. eds.
  • A.G. (A.E.S.G)

    Graves, Amy
    Amy Graves, RG's Mother. WG
  • David

    Graves, David
    R.G.'s second child [by Nancy Nicholson]. W.G. In RAF; killed in the war. The only one of Graves' children who might have become a poet had he lived. K.G., eds.
  • Philip

    Graves, Philip
    R.G.'s half brother. WG
  • Ros

    Cooper, Rosaleen Dr.
    Dr. Rosaleen Cooper, R.G.'s sister. W.G.; husband Jim, sons Dan, Roger & Paul RPG.
  • Bones

    Graves, Perceval
    half-brother of RG, nicknamed "Bones" RPG
  • Watt, W.P.
    Team member at A.S. Watt & Son, Ltd., RG's literary agent.
  • Catherine

    Nicholson, Catherine
    Catherine Nicholson: (1922- ) third of four children of Robert Graves and Nancy Nicholson. eds.
  • Sam

    Graves, Samuel
    R.G.'s youngest child by Nancy Nicholson. C.P.& WG
  • Margaret

    Russell, Margaret
    House-keeper L.R. & R.G. had had in London. WG
  • Mills

    Mills, Mr.
    an antique seller and friend of RG, and contributor to the Covenant of Literary Morality eds.; of Paddington Street, Marylebone KG
  • Swartz

    Schwarz, Georg
    German Jew. Deyá neighbour. Antique dealer. Lived with Frau Emmy Strenge, his house keeper, in Can Caballo some hundred yards from Canellun. RG and LR translated his "Almost Forgotten Germany." WG
  • Julie

    Matthews, Julie
    Tom Matthews' wife. WG

Organizations Mentioned

  • Westminster Bank

  • A.S. Watt & Son, Ltd.

    Watt, A.S.
    RG's literary agent: first mentioned in November, 1935; team includes: Alexander Strahan Watt, and W.P. Watt et al, who may have handled different aspects of Graves' extensive European publishing and distribution. The firm replaced Eric Pinker. K.G. When did Pinker go, and why? KG
  • Editors

    Editors of the Graves Diary Project.