Sunday Ap 18

Three drafts of a poem
Laura had a migraine. We went to Lugano with Str & Schw. for coffee at Buri's. Lugano packed.

Hands Referenced

Places Mentioned

  • Lugano

    Lugano, Switzerland
    near the Italian border, where RG and LR spent part of 1937 eds.
  • Buri's

    Lugano, Switzerland
    café or restaurant eds.

People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Strenge

    Strenge, Frau Emmi
    Schwarz's house keeper and ? mistress. WG
  • Swartz

    Schwarz, Georg
    German Jew. Deyá neighbour. Antique dealer. Lived with Frau Emmy Strenge, his house keeper, in Can Caballo some hundred yards from Canellun. RG and LR translated his "Almost Forgotten Germany." WG


    • Title: Pledge to Strangeness [poem] [Not traced. DW]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • Date: 1937-04-18