Sept 28 Wednesday

Consternation in village at Hitler's new[RG] ultimatum to Czechs which expires at 2 pm (Then general mobilization) probably to terrorize Parliament which meets at 2.45 pm.
The Levrels came to be comforted. Cats misbehaving everywhere. Sunny day.
Juan Anita & Francisca came out: we got mushrooms. Juan behaves very sensibly. At 6 he took us in a car to listen to the wireless. Chamberlain told Parliament that Hitler had been persuaded to a 24 hour postponent while he & Daladier [sic: Deladier]1 & Mussolini conferred with Hitler. Everyone relieved at the Hotel but our gorge rose. Fresh mobilization.
orders in the village[RG]

Editorial Notes

1Eduoard Daladier (1884-1970), French Prime Minister eds.