Nov 19 Sat
Four cords of wet wood arrived, unsawed. I burn the lengths in the Salon and when
they are
ends not lengths transfer them to other smaller fires.
Dictionary with Alan
Toothache all day.
Began a poem about pursuit & leisure.1
Dorothy's wood split in her carving.
Editorial Notes
1Burned by Beryl Hodge at RG's request. See Nov. 21st entry. DW; eds.
Hands Referenced
People Mentioned
Hodge, AlanOxford history graduate. Became close friends with LR & RG. First husband of Beryl Graves. CP & WG -
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
Simmons, DorothySculptor associated with the Graves-Riding inner circle (1938-39). Married to Montague Simmons. eds
- Title: Dictionary [projected project; unfinished]
- Author: Riding, Laura
- Date: 1935
- Title: Poets [prose]
- Author: Graves, Robert/ Riding Laura
- Editor: Riding, Laura