Thursday May 9th

My escritorio1 whitewashed. Signed the Harrison Smith contract & sent it off, with letter about collected poems & why not.
Hung ladder shawl2 in hall & newly glazed mirror.
Finished Can Torrent arrangements.
Slight rain. Very heavy day.
On Monday men will start searching for the spring.
In afternoon women whitewashing press room.
Paid Amador 1.703 a packet for Lucky Strikes (40 packets)4
Laura painted butterfly design on ex-breadboard.
C.F.V. not much.
To Palma at 2 pm. Bought a mata-Moros5 in teak10 p[RG]6, three silhouette pictures 5pts each, a reading-stand from the church of San Pat(?), a Menorcan picture 30pts, a commoda7 60pts, a banco8 80 pts, a ×××× [crossed out] large white lace shawl for Laura 75 pts, two ×××× [indecipherable] Mallorquin cut glass candlesticks 25 pts the pair, all at Marg. [Margarita] Mateu. Beefsteaks9 at Alhambra & home. Other general shopping.
Laura's Progress of Stories proofs came & letter from Constable undertaking to distribute for Seizin Press.

Editorial Notes

1work-room; study. KG /eds
2Batik by Len Lye. WG
3pesetas? KG
4smuggled cigarettes. KG
5"Moor killer" WG; wooden club to kill Moors with. KG
6pts. KG
7chest of drawers. KG
8bench. KG
9sandwiches. KG

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Can Torrent

    Deyá, Majorca, Sp
    House next to Canellun also belonging to LR & RG. Built by Norman Cameron. WG
  • Palma

    Palma, Majorca, Sp
    Capital and largest centre of Majorca.
  • Alhambra

    Palma, Majorca, Sp
    One of the best Palma hotels. WG

People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Len

    Lye, Len
    New Zealand painter, sculptor, and filmmaker whom LR & RG had met in London. He helped with the Seizin Press publications. WG; married to Jane Lye, son Bix. eds.
  • Amador

    Gelat's right hand man. Drove the bus. WG; also Gelat's chauffeur KG
  • Margarita Mateu

    Mateu, Margarita
    Antique dealer, mostly jewellery, in Palma. WG

Organizations Mentioned

  • Harrison Smith and Robert Haas

    R.G.'s American publisher for I, Claudius and Claudius the God. eds.
  • Constable & Co., Ltd.

    Constable Publishers. Arranged with them to print and distribute Seizin Press Epilogue and books. WG


    • Title: Claudius Film Version [The Fool of Rome] [a condensed novel based on I, Claudius]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • Title: Progress of Stories
    • Author: Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Date: 1935