Wednesday May 22.
To Palma with camión1 at 11 a.m. [sic: p.m.]
Laura opened a/c with Hispano-Americano bank. Paid Pomar. Ordered brooch setting for coin. At Casas, Laura bought mirror with drawers for 25 pts. Bought pañuelos2 at Ribas. News that boat was delayed. Waited about at Alhambra & Lena's bar (first lunch at Parisien Restaurant: good)
Editorial Notes
1bus. KG
2handkerchiefs. KG
3Union-Castle liner, running between Southampton and Cape Town 1926-42. eds.
4regarding obituary: see May 14th, and subsequent entries. eds
Hands Referenced
Places Mentioned
Palma, Majorca, SpCapital and largest centre of Majorca. -
Palma, Majorca, SpOne of the best Palma hotels. WG -
Casa Ribas
Majorca, SpTextile shop. WG -
Lena's Bar
Palma, Majorca, SpLR and RG sometimes ate here while in Palma on shopping or business trips. eds. -
Palma, Majorca, SpRestaurant in Palma. WG
People Mentioned
Goldschmidt, KarlKarl Goldschmidt, later Kenneth Gay: Graphic artist, friend and secretary of Robert Graves and Laura Riding since 1934. R. G. spells both as Carl and Karl. -
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
Más, Juan MarroigJuan Marroig Mas, called Gelat: Landowner on Deyá and friend of Robert Graves and Laura Riding (L.R. & R.G.'s factotum. W.G.) -
ShortShipping agent and operator of a lending library in Palma. K.G. -
GarettBritish Consul in Palma. WG -
Lawrence, T. E.'Lawrence of Arabia.' Met Robert in Oxford in the early twenties. Made Robert his biographer and had him write "Lawrence and the Arabs." WG -
CasasAntique dealer in Palma. WG -
Vives, Antonio Dr.The village doctor (Deyá). At odds with Gelat (water rights controversy). His brother, Juan Vives, was Gelat's son-in-law. WG
Organizations Mentioned
PomarPalma Jeweller. WG