July 19 Tuesday
All morning in kitchen boiling up dirty things in soda: & making a huge soup for
us four, the widow Guèrin1, Yvonne & her friend Angèle; and deep-oil-frying sardines.
Lovely weather. Aired mattresses again.
Cigarette problem: whether Gauloise-Green or 'High Life' or Chesterfield.
Presents from & to the farm: waffles & cider and junket = chocolates & fruit
We invented additions to 7¼
Editorial Notes
1farmhand at Grand Chevrie eds.
Hands Referenced
Places Mentioned
Rennes, Francewhere Gelat's daughter, Anita, and son-in-law, Juan Vives live; visited by RG and LR et al in 1938 eds.
People Mentioned
Hodge, AlanOxford history graduate. Became close friends with LR & RG. First husband of Beryl Graves. CP & WG -
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
Pritchard, Beryldaughter of Harry and Amy Pritchard, R.G.'s second wife. Formerly married to Alan Hodge. Robert and Beryl had four children: William, Lucia, Juan and Tomas. eds -
Catherine Vandervelde
Vandervelde, Catherineone of Korda's scriptwriters; friend of RG and LR, met at Denham studios; contributor to World and Ourselves; married Norman Cameron in September, 1938. eds. Diary, and Friedmann 302 -
de Gault, Yvonnemaidservant to RG and LR at La Chevrie, France eds.