Sept 24 Saturday

Rain all day and notices out calling up all French reservists of category 3 i.e. 2 classes. The people calm and silent: "if there's a war, best to get over with it. The Italians don't count: they are only petits soldats1" (Russia has warned Poland to keep out of Czechoslovakia [sic: Tchechoslovakia])
A brave & warming letter from Eric at Prague2: 'the fiends will meet their fate & at the hands of their own countrymen.' I went to a dentist early at Montauban: he said toothache was only sciatic nerve – the tooth was dead. We all have twinges of rheumatism here.
Dictionary all day.
We do not expect war in any serious sense.

Editorial Notes

1 "little troopers" eds.
2Czechoslovakia eds.

Hands Referenced

Places Mentioned

  • Montauban

    Montauban-de-la-Bretagne, Brittany, France

People Mentioned

  • Tattersall

    Tattersall, Eric
    RG met on board the HMS Grenville eds. see Diary August 3 & 5, 1936


    • Title: Dictionary [projected project; unfinished]
    • Author: Riding, Laura
    • Date: 1935