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June 1936
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Displayed Diary Scan
Enclosures for June 1936
June 4 Thursday.
Olive tree in drive felled. Laura also condemned one by turn of drive.
Reading Greek dramatists for drama notes.
Laura went to bed, early not feeling well.
Got some different geranium cuttings from Fonda.
Bartolomé nearly finished path through fruit-trees.
Hands Referenced
Places Mentioned
Posada, La
Deyá, Majorca, SpHouse on the Puig next to Deyá church. Originally part of the Es Molí property. It had been rented by the church for Sunday school. RG and LR bought it in February, 1935, to use as a guest house for their visitors. WG, eds. -
Deyá, Majorca, SpInn next to Margarita's Café. Occasionally ate there. WG
People Mentioned
BartoloméThe mason. WG -
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
MiguelOne of four village carpenters. Others were Miguel Junior, Francisco and Antonio de Ca's Pintat. WG
- Title: Drama
- Title: Epilogue III
- Author: Riding, Laura/ Hodge, Alan/ Graves, Robert
- Editor: Riding, Laura
- PubPlace: Deyá & London
- Publisher: Seizin & Constable
- BiblScope: 193-226
- Date: 1937