Dec 3 Friday.

We went to Cambridge in Norman's car with Norman & Mary Lucy, & stopped for tea at Lucie's sister Mary Sanders & then[RG] where John & Lucie were, & then to dinner at the rooms of one Tommy Creighton – present Mary Lucy, Charlotte Bawdon, 'Snake' (Gwynnedd Lloyd Thomas), Creighton, a man called Redpath, Laura, me, John, Lucie. Then Laura at the English Faculty Library read her paper of Positive Capability to about 60 or 70 (Honor & Gordon too) & questions were asked, chiefly argumentative, by this Redpath & then we went back to the rooms & talked to several more people. Miss Falconer, Fryer, Messrs Hayes, 'Sallinger?' & a Don called Tillyard (Jesus)1.
Then in cars to Great Bardfield where I slept in the Chapel; Norman too. Lucie has a new servant: Audrey Thake.

Editorial Notes

1from Jesus College? eds.