Jan 25 Tuesday

I went for a walk across the Park, a very sunny[RG] wet[RG] morning, and fetched from Mr. Mills a gilt frame I had bought for 7/61 – also 6 Spanish tortoiseshell combs for 6d2, 2 more butter pats3, and an offer to visit the East End with Mr. Mills.
I sent a rug (early Victorian 3/-) and two small tartan objects)[RG] to Lucie.
Worked on the article on my cottage 'We are powerless in the Matter'
Norman to supper: did Rimbaud with Laura.
Couldn't keep awake beyond 10 o'clock, but woke up at 12 to give Laura her tea.

Editorial Notes

17 shillings, sixpence eds.
2sixpence eds.
3presses KG