May 7 Saturday.
A lazy day.
Did a lot of phoning: went twice to the street market and bought a large coffee pot
6d1, a tea-pot stand 1d, a holly-patterned sugar bowl 1/-, a yellow & blue crochetted silk purse 6d, a Russian easter-egg 1/6d, a silver gilt brooch 6d, another cup & saucer 3d.
David Reeves in afternoon. Laura & I saw him off at Marylebone Station & walked back in the bitter wind.
After supper Julian Symons came to talk to Laura about an American number of his 20th Century Verse2: Laura went over a poem of his with him. It was the first time he had been subjected to
literal criticism of his poems & he behaved very decently.
Editorial Notes
1sixpence eds.
Twentieth Century Verse Ed. Julian Symons. London: J. Symons, etc, 1937-1939. eds.
Hands Referenced
People Mentioned
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
David Reeves
Reeves, DavidBrother of James Reeves [and Ethel Herdman] RPG 292. -
Julian Symons
Symons, Julian(1912-1994) novelist and poet, editor of the London magazine,Twentieth Century Verse eds.