Monday May 16

2 versions of The Miller's Man a poem.
In afternoon went with Mr Mills via Liverpool Street along[RG] down[RG] the East End : Shadwell, Poplar, Limehouse, West India Docks etc.
Saw Sidney Street; Georgian houses, Dock[RG] River, Chinatown, Charley Brown's, and was with him buying antiques from Mr Philips in the Jewish quarter.
I bought a reading glass for 4/-1 and at a rag dealers he bought an iron Elizabethan coffer for 2/- (later sold for £7.10)[RG].
Bridget, the Simmonds to supper: looked at costume plates.
X Leonard accepted by the Exmouth captain.
From Mr Mills bought 2 old french glass seals : Prés de toi je fleuris 2 and Tu la sais: n'en dis pas 3.

Editorial Notes

14 shillings eds.
2 "Beside you, I flourish" eds.
3 "You understand: without a word" eds.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • East End

    East End, London, England
    the poorer quarter of London eds.

People Mentioned

  • Dorothy

    Simmons, Dorothy
    Sculptor associated with the Graves-Riding inner circle (1938-39). Married to Montague Simmons. eds
  • Leonard

    Russell, Leonard
    son of Graves' housekeeper Margaret Russell KG
  • Mills

    Mills, Mr.
    an antique seller and friend of RG, and contributor to the Covenant of Literary Morality eds.; of Paddington Street, Marylebone KG
  • Bridget

    London milliner, with Aage Tharup's KG

Organizations Mentioned

  • HMS Exmouth

    HMS Exmouth
    British destroyer eds.


    • Title: The Miller's Man [poem; first written 1934; rewritten 1938 eds.]
    • Title: New Poems 1962 [includes 1938 version? eds.]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London
    • Publisher: Cassell
    • Idno: A101
    • Date: 1962