Oct 26th Wed.
Checked Scene 4 of Greeks & Trojans
Cold weather at last: wearing corduroys. To village with Alan & got new bicycle tire, ordered ember-shovel, jampots.
Hands Referenced
- Annotation: ink correction
- Character: regular
- Ink: black
Places Mentioned
St. Uniac
Brittany, Francea village within walking distance of La Chevrie. eds.
People Mentioned
Hodge, AlanOxford history graduate. Became close friends with LR & RG. First husband of Beryl Graves. CP & WG -
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
Simmons, DorothySculptor associated with the Graves-Riding inner circle (1938-39). Married to Montague Simmons. eds -
Harry Kemp
Kemp, HarryPoet. Met Graves and Riding through James Reeves in August 1936, just after their arrival in England. In their previous correspondence, Riding had been intrigued by his falling-out with Communism. He became associated with their circle, collaborating on various projects. (RPG 248-49)
- Title: The Swiss Ghost [formerly The Kind Ghost] [novel]
- Author: Graves, Robert/ Riding, Laura
- Date: 1937-04-22
- Title: Dictionary [projected project; unfinished]
- Author: Riding, Laura
- Date: 1935
- Title: Trojan Ending [dramatised version based on Laura Riding's book; later called Greeks and Trojans]
- Author: Graves, Robert
- Date: 1938-01
- Title: Lives of Wives [prose]
- Author: Riding, Laura
- PubPlace: London, Toronto, Melbourne & Sydney
- Publisher: Cassell and Co. Ltd.
- Idno: A39
- Date: 1939