Dec 21 Saturday

Reading L.H. [Liddell Hart]1 and writing about Postscript: suggested not making it so philosophical, but letting T.E. witness against himself as much as poss. [possible]
Tidying house (Laura busy in dispensa2). Porch over cellar door done, other also finished.
Olive tree removed from Can Torrent and cut up.
Painted curtain bar in hall.
Pear trees transplanted.
Warm wind, no brazier necessary.
Fixed stars over electric light entries.

Editorial Notes

1his questionnaire? See Dec. 20th entry. eds
2larder. KG

Hands Referenced

Places Mentioned

  • Can Torrent

    Deyá, Majorca, Sp
    House next to Canellun also belonging to LR & RG. Built by Norman Cameron. WG

People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Liddell Hart

    Liddell Hart, Capt. Basil
    War-fare expert and friend of T.E. Lawrence. Collaborated with RG on a book of T.E.L'.s letters, published in 1938. See RPG p.231. WG & Eds.
  • T.E.

    Lawrence, T. E.
    'Lawrence of Arabia.' Met Robert in Oxford in the early twenties. Made Robert his biographer and had him write "Lawrence and the Arabs." WG