Feb 21 Friday

Transcopied Chapter 3 of Antigua.
The hottest February day within recollection: hot south wind.
Laura tidying house to give new girl a good introduction. Dulan sent Jane Austen's Sanditon and Persian miniature by Razan of "Doctor medicining a devil case." £2.2. Took it to Miguel for framing in olive wood.
Walk to McCormacks, blouse from Margarita for Laura, to Secretario to ask that Millonario's mother-in-law should stop calling her house Can Torrent (real name Ca Landresa).
Pepe's men brought a millstone from Can Jordi. Wrote a letter to D.T. correcting Connolly's inaccuracies about Seizin Books.
Peach & apricot blooming: freezias going over. Yellow creeper in flower.
Went over Books part of Advertising with Laura.
* Today completes a year of diary: which started with Chapter 3 of Antigua.