Jan 6. Reyes 1 Monday.
Going over L.H.'s typescript. wrote to him and got it ready to send off.
In afternoon to Junyers' saw their Breughel, & works by Picasso, & by Joän & Clotilde & stayed 3 hours.
Down in café talk with Castañer who will call.
Editorial Notes
1Twelfth Night. KG
2boil. KG
3It was only a print: a reproduction of an engraving cut out from the London Illustrated News. Was [eventually] given to Honor Wyatt who gave it to Julian Glover. WG
Hands Referenced
People Mentioned
Wyatt, HonorJournalist. Arrived in Deyá fortuitously. Married to Gordon Glover...Son Julian. W.G. First acquainted with R.G. and L.R. early in 1934; returned to visit in 1935; continued friendship in England. eds (RPG 211). -
Liddell Hart
Liddell Hart, Capt. BasilWar-fare expert and friend of T.E. Lawrence. Collaborated with RG on a book of T.E.L'.s letters, published in 1938. See RPG p.231. WG & Eds. -
Junyer, Sebastian and Junyer, ClothildeOften referred to in the diary as "The Junyers," artists Sebastian and Clothilde Junyer spent their summers in Llucalcari. W.G., eds. -
Junyer, JoänNephew of Sebastian Junyer. Also a good painter. W.G.; Deaf-mute Catalan painter, ex-pupil of Picasso's, who lived in his uncle's house in Lluch Alcari [Llucalcari]. K.G.; introduced Ward and Dorothy Hutchinson to RG & LR in 1935 eds. -
Junyer, ClotildePainter. Married to Sebastian. WG -
Castañer? Owner of a large house in the Clot. Worked in Palma? WG -
Más, Juan MarroigJuan Marroig Mas, called Gelat: Landowner on Deyá and friend of Robert Graves and Laura Riding (L.R. & R.G.'s factotum. W.G.) -
Glover, JulianHonor & Gordon's baby. WG