Ap Monday 6
Palma at 11.
Wasted a lot of time
Pedro, Catalina; Anita, Magdalena.
Fiesta of Ramos
1. Bought fine work basket 8 pesetas. wooden shaving bowl, 2.50 pts
[pesetas]. Pensión at Grand Hotel. Saw French film
2(acrobatics & jealousy).
Slept badly owing to French couple honeymooning actively between 1 and 2.15. No word
spoken, only activity & eructations.
Then cocks, trams
& hammering next
& hammering next
EPiLOGUE II went off.
Hands Referenced
Places Mentioned
Palma, Majorca, SpCapital and largest centre of Majorca. -
Grand Hotel
Palma, Majorca, Sp
People Mentioned
Tio/Don Pedro & Tia/Doña Catalina
Pedro or CatalinaCousins of Gelat from Madrid; RG refers to them interchangeably as Don or Doña and Tio/a, meaning uncle or aunt eds. -
Mas, AnitaGelat's daughter-in-law, married to Juan Mas. WG -
Magdalena Marroig
Marroig Más, MagdalenaGelat's daughter. Later married Marcos Colom. WG
- Title: Epilogue II
- Editor: Riding, Laura & Graves, Robert
- PubPlace: Deyá & London
- Publisher: Seizin & Constable
- Idno: B24
- Date: 1936