Ap 10 Friday (Good Friday)
Rained in the morning a bit.
Heavy day. Bad head.
To the sea with Solomon1. Did not bathe.
Laura back in her summer workroom.
(To bed early)[RG]
Made out Income tax refund claim.
Hands Referenced
- Annotation: ink correction
- Character: regular
- Ink: black
Places Mentioned
Palma, Majorca, SpCapital and largest centre of Majorca.
People Mentioned
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
Más, Juan MarroigJuan Marroig Mas, called Gelat: Landowner on Deyá and friend of Robert Graves and Laura Riding (L.R. & R.G.'s factotum. W.G.) -
Vives, Antonio Dr.The village doctor (Deyá). At odds with Gelat (water rights controversy). His brother, Juan Vives, was Gelat's son-in-law. WG -
Castro y Quesada, Américo(1885-1972); Spanish philologist and cultural historian; Spanish ambassador to Berlin 1931-36 eds. -
Tio/Don Pedro & Tia/Doña Catalina
Pedro or CatalinaCousins of Gelat from Madrid; RG refers to them interchangeably as Don or Doña and Tio/a, meaning uncle or aunt eds. -
Bill Fuller
Fuller, Williamlawyer and researcher for Antigua Penny Puce KG; m. to Mary Fuller eds. -
Morley, FrankWith Faber and Faber. Involved with Old Soldier Sahib. WG -
HillgarthConsul? Ambasador? Foreign Office. W.G.; Palma Consul KG -
Lacaci, Carlos MasqueletSpanish Minister of War in the spring of 1936. See diary April 10, 13, 27 (1936). eds.
Organizations Mentioned
Seizin Press
Founded when Robert Graves and Laura Riding began their partnership in London. R.G. and L.R. continued to operate their own press in Deyá, but stopped printing in 1935. Seizin Press published a number of literary works in conjunction with Constable in London, including the Epilogue series, and other works by Laura Riding and their literary associates. eds
- Title: Antigua Penny Puce
- Author: Graves, Robert
- PubPlace: Deyá & London
- Publisher: Seizin & Constable
- Idno: A46
- Date: 1936
- Title: Old Soldier Sahib
- Author: Richards, Frank
- Editor: Graves, Robert
- PubPlace: London, New York
- Publisher: Faber & Faber; Harrison Smith & Robert Haas
- Idno: A44
- Date: 1936