Monday Dec 5[RG] 7

Rang up Denham: they will send contract for ref. film & we shall have it ready within a week. Claudius scenario in transition owing to Von Sternberg taking over from Menzies and Biro's illness. Claudius film mss [manuscript] arrived from Hillgarth.[RG]
Wrote to Jenny. Sent cheque for £18 to Sherrick following telephone conversation about dresses. She wrote nicely to Laura and me.
Dreadful depression all over country about King & Mrs Simpson. O.K.'s offer of seat in Members' gallery, refused.[RG] Loyal toasts proposed in cafés
David turned up suddenly and healthily on way to Cambridge to sit for Jesus1 exam.
Honor brought Heathen typed. Alan started a novel at Laura's instance2, Maisie after supper. Eden finally admits to Italians at Majorca.

Editorial Notes

1Jesus College? eds.