Sunday Nov 1st

Disorganized day. (No Mrs Reid).
Sent note for Antigua adv. [advice] [RG] to O.K. about Gerald Gould preferring Emperors to stamps. Norman came & brought Auden books for plagiarism study. Laura did a bit of the Heathen, which I checked.
Walk with L & K down Tottenham Court road as far as Camden Town A.B.C.
First draft of a poem
The Jealous Man.
To Café Royal L. K. & I to meet Norman, Len & Jane.
Drank "Pimm1" sherry, gin, orange, borage in a tankard2. (Teddy Wolfe & Mother). Brought Maisie last minute birthday present of cheese, & cherries in maraschino [sic: Marrachino] 3. Found her closeted with S.H.Wood.

Editorial Notes

1Pimm's No. 1 KG
2a Norman speciality KG
3dry liqueur made from Marasca cherries eds.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Camden Town

    Westminster, London, England
  • Café Royal

    London, England
    A restaurant frequented by R.G. and L.R. when they were living in London, between 1936 and 1938. eds.

People Mentioned

  • Mrs. Reid

    Reid, Mrs.
    housekeeper? eds.
  • Kyllmann

    Kyllmann, O.K.
    of Constable's RG; also referred to as O.K. eds
  • Gerald Gould

    Gould, Gerald
    Fiction editor of the Observer eds.; a reviewer of L.R.'s Progress of Stories.
  • Norman Cameron

    Cameron, Norman
    Poet. Built Can Torrent in 1932-1933. W.G.; m. to Elfriede, then to Catherine Vandervelde; friend and contributor to LR and RG's work eds.
  • Auden

    Auden, W.H.
    British poet (1907-1973). R.G. disliked. eds
  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Karl/Carl

    Goldschmidt, Karl
    Karl Goldschmidt, later Kenneth Gay: Graphic artist, friend and secretary of Robert Graves and Laura Riding since 1934. R. G. spells both as Carl and Karl.
  • Len

    Lye, Len
    New Zealand painter, sculptor, and filmmaker whom LR & RG had met in London. He helped with the Seizin Press publications. WG; married to Jane Lye, son Bix. eds.
  • Jane

    Lye, Jane
    Married to New Zealand artist/ film-maker Len Lye; son Bix Lye. Friends with R.G. and L.R. Visited Graves and Riding in Majorca (1930), where Jane provided secretarial assistance. eds (RPG 138).
  • Teddy Wolfe

    Wolfe, Edward
    Painter (1897-1982). Born in Johannesburg, South Africa eds.
  • Maisie

    Sommerville, Maisie
    Head of BBC Education broadcasting department. Friend of R.G. and L.R. Arranged accomodation for them when they returned to London as exiles. W.G., eds.
  • S.H. Wood

    Wood, S.H.
    (1884-1958) British civil servant eds.


    • Title: Antigua Penny Puce
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Idno: A46
    • Date: 1936
    • Title: The Heathen
    • Author: Wyatt, Honor
    • Editor: Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: New York
    • Publisher: Random House
    • Date: 1937
    • Title: A Jealous Man [poem]
    • Title: Collected Poems [1938]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London, Toronto, Melbourne & Sydney
    • Publisher: Cassell & Co. Ltd.
    • Idno: A48
    • Date: 1936-11-01