Friday. Nov 27

Viscount Carlow1 rang me up and I went to see him: talked over Lawrence book position. Showed me his books & paintings & was extremely nice. Wanted to clear up whole position.
Jenny to lunch. Talked over scenario treatments with her. Laura gave her pansy ring.
In afternoon Rebecca West came, & discussed woman question with Laura. I was writing alternative passages for the offensive Belfrage chapter, for Gollancz.
Dinner: Eddie, Douglas West, O.K., Maisie, Laura, me. Domecq Fundador Brandy 1874 popular; & Laura started woman-power talk, Eddie challenging, Douglas doubtful, O.K. helpless – till about 12.30 Douglas staying last.
Franco definitely being beaten now, in eyes of world.

Editorial Notes

1Irish peer KG

Hands Referenced

People Mentioned

  • Kyllmann

    Kyllmann, O.K.
    of Constable's RG; also referred to as O.K. eds
  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Maisie

    Sommerville, Maisie
    Head of BBC Education broadcasting department. Friend of R.G. and L.R. Arranged accomodation for them when they returned to London as exiles. W.G., eds.
  • Jenny

    Nicholson, Jenny
    Jenny Nicholson: oldest daughter of Robert by Nancy Nicholson.
  • Rebecca West

    West, Rebecca
    (1892-1983) Met RG and LR in London, October 1936. RPG 257.; son with H.G. Wells, Anthony "Panther" West; later married to banker Henry Maxwell Andrews KG;
  • Franco

    Franco, General
    Spanish General; led the Nationalist forces against the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War; Spanish Head of State from 1939-1969.
  • Douglas West

    West, Douglas
    reporter for the Daily Mail, husband of Kitty West eds.
  • Viscount Carlow

    Carlow, Viscount
    (1907-1944) friend of Graves, and one of the first T.E. Lawrence Trustees; founder of Corvinus Press, London; m. Peggy Dawson-Damer (née Cambie) 1937 eds.
  • Gollancz

    Gollancz, Victor
    (1893-1967), publisher, and founder of Left Book Club in 1936 eds.
  • Edward Marsh

    Marsh, Edward
    Influential civil servant and friend of R.G.'s and many others from WW I, also Georgian poets and artists. W.G. & C.P.


    • Title: T.E. Lawrence to His Biographer
    • Author: Lawrence, T.E.
    • Editor: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: New York
    • Publisher: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc.
    • Idno: A49
    • Date: 1938