Wed.. Oct 14
Lunch with Eddie at his flat. 70 of his pictures at Johannesburgh but still had too many. Nothing much said.
In evening dinner at Maisie's with Tanny Brown
Rebecca West & her husband1. Talked of education, early environment and tenderness towards 'population'; and
of non-population activities. Also of G.B. Stern, Morgan, Geoffrey Holdsworth, Yeats, etc. She was quite nice.
Editorial Notes
Hands Referenced
Places Mentioned
South Africa
People Mentioned
Sommerville, MaisieHead of BBC Education broadcasting department. Friend of R.G. and L.R. Arranged accomodation for them when they returned to London as exiles. W.G., eds. -
Matthews, T.S.(Tom)American journalist. Took sabbatical from TIME and arrived in Deyá in 1930. Involved from then on with L.R. and R.G. WG -
Matthews, JulieTom Matthews' wife. WG -
Teddy Wolfe
Wolfe, EdwardPainter (1897-1982). Born in Johannesburg, South Africa eds. -
Tanny Brown
Brown, Tannya painter, ex-husband of Maisie Sommerville KG; father of Maisie's son Timothy Brown eds. -
Rebecca West
West, Rebecca(1892-1983) Met RG and LR in London, October 1936. RPG 257.; son with H.G. Wells, Anthony "Panther" West; later married to banker Henry Maxwell Andrews KG; -
Henry Andrews
Andrews, Henry Maxwella banker, husband of Rebecca West KG -
G.B. Stern
Stern, G.B.writer (1890-1973), wife of Geoffrey Holdsworth eds. -
E.M. Forster
Forster, E. M.Major 20th-century English novelist (1879-1970). An old friend of Graves' who had recommended him for the post of Professor of English Literature at Cairo, which Graves took up in 1926 (RPG 3). -
Geoffrey Holdsworth
Holdsworth, Geoffreyhusband of G.B. Stern eds.; died in a Palma clinic in late '40s KG -
Yeats, William Butler(1865-1939) Major Irish poet. eds. Was on the island of Majorca December 1935. WG